Custom Search
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Custom Search

Friday, July 11, 2008

There is Only one Secret of Success.

Life has pushed almost all of us around one time or the other, but a few amongst us have freed themselves from being pushed around all their life.

A lot of people have worked and worked trying to find success, to no avail.
However, experience has shown me that success is not achieved by merely working hard; it is achieved by working smart.

I know many people who worked 8 am to 8 pm all their lives, with very little to show.
Most often I bless God for my life because fortunately, I have found myself in the midst of readers, and most of us know that Readers are Leaders.

So, as part of my own contribution to humanity, I went into research to know the real secret of success, and my findings confirmed that there are as many definitions of success as there are those who take time to define it.

Even Webster’ comprehensive dictionary definition, that success is the accomplishment of what is desired or aimed at, did not convince me enough as to accept it neglecting the definition or the formula of the person I am about to share with you.

One great and respectable person said;”The Secret to Success is doing something and people may like it
I agree a little with this man, yet I am not fully convinced.

But the day I came across Dr. Robert Schuller’s statement that, “The greatest secret of success is to find a need and fill it,” from that day, I knew I had got what I was looking for.

I don’t know whether you share Dr. Robert Schuller’s view; for me, I agree with him completely.

Come to think of it .99.9% percent of all the rich and happy people that history has recorded had to play around Dr. Schuller’s statement: Find a need and fill it.

Let’s start from Jesus. He brought salvation to us. Yes, people followed him in the thousands.

He became the most famous person on earth even though he never grew beyond 33 years.

Look at Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Warren Buffet, Richard Branson, Bill Gates etc; they were all busy providing what people need.

Let’s come back home and think of our own people in Nigeria. Alhaji Aliko Dangote, Prince Samuel Adedoyin, Dr. David Oyedepo, Chief Emmanuel Iwuanyawu among others.

Even me, I never knew the weight of Dr. Roberts Schller’s assertion until recently when I also played around his philosophy of finding a need filling it.

So brothers, my sisters, are you still among those who are confused and don’t know how they are going to make their first million naira in life?
Dr. Robert Schuller’s statement is all you need to think about very well.

Look around you very closely, and you will discover that the people around you have one need or the other.

And you will become a wiser person if you know that for every one person that you know who has a particular need, another one million people are having the same or similar need; meet one of such needs and become a millionaire.

There is only one secret of true success: find a need and fill it.
See you at the top.


Immortal said...

Hey Tony,

Keep Posting and Keep doing your thing.


Osas aka X-DOB

Anonymous said...

I 'm really impress. pls keep it up.

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