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Custom Search

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Are You Facing Insurmountable Obstacle?

Michael Jordan’s turning point occurred when he was in tenth grade, after a temporary defeat spurred him to strive for a huge goal.

One day he was cut from the high school team, he went home and cried the rest of the afternoon. It would have been easy to give up after that huge disappointment. But instead, he turned this painful experience into a burning desire. He set a higher standard and an even greater goal for himself. He made a real and powerful decision; one that would shape his destiny and the destiny of the sport. He decided he would not only make the team but also be the best player on the court.

To achieve this ambitious goal, he did what every other successful man or woman does; he set a goal, then took immediate and massive action. During the summer before this junior year, he sought the help of the team’s coach, Clifton Herring, and every morning at 6. am, Coach Herring drove him to the court and put him through intensive drills. At about the same time, the budding basketball player grew to 6 feet 2 inches. In fact, his desire to achieve his goal was intense that he would hang on the monkey bars at school trying to elongate his body because he thought it would help him make the team.

He practiced every day, and when the time came, he was chosen to play for the varsity team. He proved a point that his Chicago Bulls coach, Doug Collins, would make about him more than a decade later: The harder you prepare, the luckier you seem to get. Michael Jordan went on to win several awards in and out of the basketball court. He is today rich, a role model and has been recognized worldwide to have changed the face of the game.
According to Corrie ten Boom, “The first step on the way to victory is to recognize the enemy.” When some hear the word enemy, the first thing that comes to mind is their neighbor, friend and colleague in the work place or even a family member. But the truth is that we are our own worst enemy. When you are not succeeding in something you are doing, the best thing is to look deeper to find out what you are not doing right.
Perhaps it’s time to identify the source of the obstacle and face it head on.
My dear reader, look within. The answer to that obstacle may not be too far from you. All you need to climb the mountain successfully is very close to you.

To your success !!

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