Custom Search
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Custom Search

Thursday, July 24, 2008

One Big Money-Making Secret

I was busy reading on of my friend’s articles recently and one of the statements made a great impact on me that I decided I am going to highlight it and share it with you.
The statement was brief, straight to the point and could mean a million naira to anyone who would give it a thought like I did.
This is the statement: “Why Not Produce it?” I know that many of you will start thinking: what is so special about such statement?
If this statement doesn’t seem to make any meaning to you, don’t worry, just come along with me.
Do you remember that I have always reminded you of Dr. Robert H. Schuller’s wonderful statement that the greatest secret of success is to find a need and fill it?
Now, if you ever dream to make a million and call it your own, you must think seriously of this my friend’s and Dr Robert Schuller’s statements.
Now to explain further, as you read this story, do you know that there are still a good number of needs in your life still to be met? And that if you see anybody who will offer solution to that problem, you will be willing to pay any amount for this service or product?
Also, do you know that there are, at least, one million people here in Nigeria alone who have the same need?
Now, your opportunity at this juncture is : Why not produce that thing and market it to those one million people and make cool cash?
In another way, ask three of your friends what their great needs, and you will discover that the three of them will have different needs.
Now, why not offer to meet just one of those needs and find the remaining nine hundred and ninety nine thousand people and market the product or service to them.
For example, one of those your friends has the problem of getting a trustworthy marriage partner, why not see that as an opportunity and build a website that solves this problem or write a book on that topic and start marketing it.
And if you don’t have an idea to write in that area, then find a person in that area and let him write for you while you pay him. Then you go ahead to market it.
My dear friend, there is always a way around every problem.
I want you to sit down and think deeply over this issue, it’s worth it.
And if you are confused over what I have just told you, make a visit to any truly successful person that you know and tell him that one man just told you everything I am telling you now, and hear what he has to tell you.
Henry Ford discovered people’s need for cars and he produced it. Chief Emmanuel Iwuanyawu discovered people’s need for news and he produced it a daily,
Chief Erastus Akingbola discovered people’s needs for finance and banking, he produced Intercontinental Bank.
Bill Gates discovered people’s needs for computing, he produced Microsoft.

Now what do you think people are looking for? Go out and produce it.

See you at the top.

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