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Custom Search

Friday, July 18, 2008

10 Rules To Building A Successful Business By World Top 7 Experts

1. Commit To Your Business
Believe in it more than anybody else. I think I overcame every single one of my personal shortcomings by the sheer passion I brought to my work. I don’t know if you are born with this kind of passion, or if you can learn it. But I do know you need it. If you love your work, you will be out there every day trying to do it the best way you possibly can, and pretty soon everybody around will catch the passion from you – like a fever.

2. Share Your Profits With All Your Associates, Treat Them As Partner.
When you do this, they will in turn treat you as a partner, and together you will all perform beyond your wildest expectations.
Encourage your associates to hold a stake in the company. Offer discounted stock, and grant them stock for their retirement. Its the single best thing we ever did.

3. Motivate Your Partners
Money and ownership alone aren’t enough. Constantly, day by day, think of new and more interesting ways to motivate and challenge your partners.
Set high goals, encourage competition, and then keep score. Make bets with outrageous payoff. If things get stale, cross-pollinate; have managers switch jobs with one another to stay challenged. Keep every body guessing as to what your next trick is going to be.

4 Communicate Everything You Possibly Can To Your Partners
The more they know, the more they will understand. The more they understand, the more they care. Once they care, there is no stopping them. If you don’t trust your associates to know what’s going on, they will know you really don’t consider them partners. Information is power, and the gain you get from empowering your associates more than offsets the risk of informing your competitors.

5 Appreciates Everything Your Associates Do For The Business
A paycheck and praise will buy one kind of loyalty. But all of us like to be told how much somebody appreciates what we do for them. We like to hear it often, and especially when we have done something we are really proud of. Nothing else can quite substitute for a few well-chosen, well-timed, sincere words of praise. They are absolutely free – and worth a fortune.

6 Celebrate Your Success
Always learn to celebrate your success. Don’t be so ambitious that you fail to acknowledge the progress so far.

7. Listen To Everyone In Your Company, Figure Out Ways To Get Them Talking
The folks on the front lines – the ones who actually talk to the customer - are the only ones who really know what’s going on out there. You’d better find out what total quality is all about. To push responsibility down in your organization, and to force good ideas to bubble up within it, you must listen to what your associates are trying to tell you.

8 Exceed your Customer’s Expectations.
If you do, they will come back over and over agin. Give them what they need – and a little more. Let them know you appreciate them. Make good on all your mistakes, and don’t make excuses – apologies. Stand behind everything you do. The two most important words in my career are “Satisfaction Guaranteed”

9. Control Your Expense Better Than Competition
This is where you can always find the competitive advantage. You can make a lot of different mistakes and still recover if you run an efficient operation. Or you can be brilliant and still go out business if you are too inefficient.

10. Swim Upstream
Go the other way. Ignore the conventional wisdom. If everybody else is doing it one way, there’s a good chance you can find your niche by going in exactly the opposite direction. But be prepared for a lot of folks who may want to wave you down and tell you, you are headed the wrong way.
Use these principles and you will build your own successful business.

See you at the Top

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